Monday, February 25, 2013

Gravel Metric and Double Metric Centuries

Oatlands Rd. Oatlands, Va. 

This Post will be for Metric and Double Gravel Centuries. They will not be shorter then 100k and will be within a kilometer or 2 longer.

LoFauq Metric Century This one starts at Loudoun County High School and heads south into northern Fauquier County. It is not an easy Metric. There is a lot of climbing in this one. Nothing big just a ton of short, sometimes steep ups and downs. Bull Run Mountain Rd is the longest climb at aprrox. 4.5 miles long. This route goes on some awesome gravel roads like Oatlands Rd, Rock Hill Mill Rd. and Burrland Ln. I suggest you either do this one in the Spring when things are blooming or in the fall when the leaves are changing. The Gravel/Pavement breakdown is approximately 68% Gravel (42.5 miles) and 32% Pavement (20.2 miles). The Pavement is mostly at the beginning and the end of the route. There is approximately 5,700 ft of climbing in this on. Save a little energy for the last climb at mile 56. It is short but it can hurt. There are 2 water stops. The first is at mile 36.6 in Middleburg. There is a good swanky coffee shop called Common Grounds on the left on rte 50. Also a Safeway grocery store a block further down. The Second is the Philomont General Store at mile 45.5. They have great Country Ham on a Roll. Nice and salty, it hits the spot just before the last push to the finish.

Stay Tuned More To Come.......


  1. This route looks awesome,sir. I think we're going to ride it this Saturday. I got me some climbing legs!

    Thank you!

  2. Rode this today and had a great time. A little more washboard roads and traffic than I expected, but absolutely gorgeous scenery. Had a Virginia Ham and cheese sandwich at the county store.

    1. Saturdays in Loudoun can have more traffic. I usually ride on Sundays. I am glad you enjoyed it.
