Monday, February 25, 2013

Gravel Metric and Double Metric Centuries

Oatlands Rd. Oatlands, Va. 

This Post will be for Metric and Double Gravel Centuries. They will not be shorter then 100k and will be within a kilometer or 2 longer.

LoFauq Metric Century This one starts at Loudoun County High School and heads south into northern Fauquier County. It is not an easy Metric. There is a lot of climbing in this one. Nothing big just a ton of short, sometimes steep ups and downs. Bull Run Mountain Rd is the longest climb at aprrox. 4.5 miles long. This route goes on some awesome gravel roads like Oatlands Rd, Rock Hill Mill Rd. and Burrland Ln. I suggest you either do this one in the Spring when things are blooming or in the fall when the leaves are changing. The Gravel/Pavement breakdown is approximately 68% Gravel (42.5 miles) and 32% Pavement (20.2 miles). The Pavement is mostly at the beginning and the end of the route. There is approximately 5,700 ft of climbing in this on. Save a little energy for the last climb at mile 56. It is short but it can hurt. There are 2 water stops. The first is at mile 36.6 in Middleburg. There is a good swanky coffee shop called Common Grounds on the left on rte 50. Also a Safeway grocery store a block further down. The Second is the Philomont General Store at mile 45.5. They have great Country Ham on a Roll. Nice and salty, it hits the spot just before the last push to the finish.

Stay Tuned More To Come.......

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mount Weather Gravel Grinders

                                              Morgans Mill rd., Clarke County, Virgina

Here are a few options for hitting the Roadie famous Mt. Weather with a twist. Most people are unaware there is a more brutal gravel road climb up the backside of the Mountain. Morgans Mill Rd. has some steep grades making you wish you had a compact crank. Seriously, unless you are a Mountain Goat, a cross bike with a compact crank will be the proper tool.

These routes start in Round Hill, Va at Woodgrove Park. You do not go far before you hit gravel on Williams Gap rd (now mostly paved, Bastards!). Then the route turns to pavement as you climb the mountain on Rte 7 for 1.6 miles at Snickers gap. This is a fairly easy climb. You will drop down the other side make a u-turn and climb back up part way to Ebeneezer rd. Ebeneezer rd. starts out paved then turns to gravel. It is an up and down beautiful road. You then come to the intersection with Morgans Mill rd. Turn left and start climbing. The first section of this climb is steep, real steep. Hang on because you will get a break before the last steep section up to the Mt. Weather Emergency Operations Center. The Climb is only 2.6 miles but it is a tough one. You will hang a right on Blue Ridge Mountain Rd. After a little up and down you will bomb your way down to Rte 50 then into Paris Va. to Rte 17. Then the routes take you on Carr lane, a hidden gravel jewel. The 49 miler and Metric century routes will split at the intersection of Delaplane Rd. and Rectortown Rd.

 49 Miler This route will follow the description above till the intersection of Delaplane Rd. and Rectortown Rd. Then it will take you into Upperville for food and water if needed. Then back on some Classic Loudoun County Gravel Roads. You will ride along the base of Mt. Weather for a while before heading back to Round Hill. This route is approx. 55% gravel (26.5 miles) and 45% paved (22.5 miles) with approx 4592ft of climbing. There are 2 water stop options. The first is at mile 24.5 at Sky Meadows State Park. You have to go off route and climb up for water. If you can, wait till the second water stop at mile 31. There is a Barbeque Joint in Upperville on Rte 50 on your left and a gas station/convenience store on right. They both are as you head out of town. Bring plenty water if you plan on doing this in the middle of summer. You will be sucking it down on the climb.

Metric Century 63 Miler This route also follows the description above till the intersection of Delaplane Rd. and Rectortown Rd. You will break off and hit some very nice gravel roads with short sections of paved roads in Fauquier and Loudoun Counties. This extension of of the 49 miler is for those people that want a longer nice ride. This route is approx 63% gravel roads (40 miles) and 37% paved roads (23.3 miles) . With approx. 5703ft of climbing. There are 3 water stops on this route. The first is at mile 24.5 at Sky Meadows State Park. Remember you have a climb to get to the water. The second you will have to go off route for 3/10th of mile at mile 39.5 and head into Upperville to hit the gas station or Barbecue joint described in the 49 miler's description. The third stop is at mile 54 at the corner of Airmont rd and Snickersville Turnpike. There is a convenience store there. I have never stopped in, I just have ridden by it. Have fun!